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篇名 八旗制度下的文武關係
卷期 92
並列篇名 Civil-Military Relation of the Eight Banners System
作者 蔡承緯洪陸訓
頁次 75-101
關鍵字 八旗制度文武關係文人統制政軍關係The Eight BannersCivil-military relationsSubjective civilian controlMilitary-civilian relations
出刊日期 200812


八旗者,努爾哈齊所定之國體,它不僅是強而有力的軍事組職,同時也是卓有成效的行政組織和經濟組織。所謂「Jaaao-iA Go-isA ba1E Q-1ru-A Bo-I wu-lxh [A」(八旗者,國家之根本),尌成為清一付不變之訓示。但在初期,全國盡隸於八旗,以八和碩貝勒為旗主,旗人皆為其下屬,且對旗主有君臣之分。是故君主理論上也不能掌握他旗之武力。這對於統治者而言,都是相當不安全的,因而清歷付皇帝,無不絞盡腦汁,企圖轉化八旗制度,以達到「文人統制」。本文將以八旗制度為樞紐,從中觀察清王朝文武關係、文人統制以及政軍互動。


The Eight Banners, the system of the government was established of the Nurhaci. It is not only strong military forces, but also effective administrative and economic organization. So-called 「Jaaao-iA Go-isA ba1E Q1-ru-A Bo-I wu-lxh [A」(The Eight Banners are national foundation), turn into constant instructions given by the leader of the Ching dynasty.But in early days, the whole country was subordinate to the Eight Banners system. the eight direction rulers(Jaaao-iA Ho-9O ba1liX)were leaders of the banner, All bannermen were inferiors, and must be faithful to his lieutenant general of a Banner. The emperor cannot directly control the armed force of other Banners theoretically. It is very dangerous to the ruler. Therefore all the successive emperors of the Qing dynasty, tried to transform the Eight Banners system, into 「Civilian Control 」. This article tries to explore the interactions in civil-military relations, subjective civilian control, and military-civilian relations of Qing Dynasty by observing the Eight Banners.
