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篇名 國軍現行政治教育對官兵「軍隊國家化」觀念建立之淺探
卷期 92
並列篇名 Research of the Military Political Education about Establishment of the
作者 賀力行魏慶超
頁次 103-129
關鍵字 軍隊國家化政治教育政治社會化專業倫理Army nationalizationPolitical educationPolitical socializationSpecialized ethics
出刊日期 200812




A sovereign country is based on the national security. The jobs of The Armed forces are to guarantee the national security and protect their people. To preserve the national security and keep the peaceful society, The military must be independent of individuals, the parties and groups, and the region relationships. Besides, the military has to adhere to their duty strictly. This basic standpoint is the “army nationalization”.Professional ethic is the Standards of Conduct which should be observed when a staff member deals with his business. The Standards of Conduct also regulates and binds the interaction relationship between the staff and the same business or society. People following the Standards of Conduct will win the populace's trust and establish his prestige in the society. Therefore, from Professional ethic’s viewpoint, the establishment and cognition of the concept of the army nationalization in the military may certainly be regarded as the compatriot’s trust and support for the armed forces.Partially because people are influenced by the politician, partially because the staff’s performance is unable to achieve the standards of the professional serviceman in the military, partially because people have only vague ideas for the “army nationalization”, the consensus always appears to expect a successful nationalized army. Therefore, the armed forces should certainly carry out the concept of the “army nationalization” to avoid people challenging this question repeatedly.The author used the questionnaire with the random sampling method to figure out relationship between the cognition of the military officers and soldiers in the “army nationalization” issue and the political education propaganda method. The measurement results indicate that the concept of the “army nationalization” has been embedded in the armed forces staffs, there is no apparent deviation in the consideration level for “army nationalization”, and the political education propaganda method is acceptable. However, the results also indicate that the acceptable level of behavior regulation of the“army nationalization” should be improved. In addition, this research also suggested that The Armed Forces’ political education should strengthen the “serviceman Professional Ethics” in the propaganda content, and should also study to legalize serviceman’s political power, to turn the Republic of China into a really mature democratic country.
