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篇名 中共中央軍委新領導班子對國防戰略與軍事變革之影響
卷期 92
並列篇名 The Effects of New Military Leadership of the Chinese Communist's Central Military Commission on the Defense Strategy and Military Transformation
作者 郭雪真
頁次 373-389
關鍵字 中共軍事中共中央軍委會中共國家軍委會中共軍事領導班子Chinese military powerChinese Communist's Central Military CommissionThe State Military CommissionChinese military leadership
出刊日期 200812




After the 17th Congress, the important and interesting personnel adjustments in the military have garnered less attention. The new military leadership will influence the Chinese defense strategy and military transformation in the future 5-10 years, and also the Taiwan Strait situations. This article explores recent Chinese military leadership changes in details, focusing principally on the Central Military Commission but also tracking significant moves at the Military Region and Service level. And, also explore the influence of the new military leadership will have on the Chinese defense strategy and military transformation, even on the military confrontation in the Taiwan Strait.
