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篇名 論孫中山「本體論」的思想體系--以儒、耶兩家本體論會通為例
卷期 92
並列篇名 The Ideological System of Sun Yet-sen Thought Ontology--A Case Study of the Communication between Ontology of Confucianism and Christianity
作者 盧國慶
頁次 417-437
關鍵字 孫中山思想本體論內在超越外在超越會通Sun Yet-sen thoughtOntologyInternal transcendenceExternal transcendenceCommunication
出刊日期 200812




Sun Yet-sen Thought is a Thought system that gathers Eastern and Western cultural essences; yet, while examining the philosophy, its Thought pattern constantly demonstrates problems of four frameworks of “Reality, Cosmology, Practice, and Perfection” unable to be solved by basic philosophy. Since Sun Yet-sen Thought context is based upon “God” from Western Christianity, it does not deviate from Confucianism Tai Chi Cosmology and the Perfection of saint effort for “Zhih Liang-zhih” and “Man and Heaven are the One.”. Only that Sun Yet-sen Thought itself contains a spirit with an open-minded diversity and a creative potential of “Eastern and Western accomplishment”. In order to construct a real Thought system of practicing Eastern and Western cultures, first it needs to focus on Communication of the inherited ontology of Christianity and Confucianism. When facing Christianity that emphasizes “external transcendence” and Confucianism that focuses on “internal transcendence”, Sun Yet-sen Thought would Communication with God in Christianity, using the traditional religious belief for moral integrity in Confucianism, after first inheriting the creative original asset “external transcendence” from Confucianism. Sun Yet-sen Thought is based upon the fundamental Communication between ontology of Confucianism “silence presentation” and Christianity “clearness presentation”. Secondly, Sun Yet-sen Thought must inherit creative original asset of “internal transcendence” from Christianity, which changes Sun Yet-sen’s original Thought pattern and enables the direct inheritance of Christian mysticism on internal transcendence so as to Communicate with “internal transcendence” in Confucianism. Generally speaking, the creative interpretation of the “ontology” Communication between Christianity and Confucianism in Sun Yet-sen Thought will establish a comprehensive “ontology” theoretical system that combines “internal transcendence” from Confucianism and “external transcendence” from Christian for open argument after Communication with God in Christianity through the inheritance from original asset of “external transcendence” from Confucianism and Communication with “internal transcendence” from Confucianism after inheriting mystic religious tradition of “internal transcendence” from Christianity.
