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篇名 理想的「國衛」--柏拉圖與荀子觀點的對比
卷期 91
並列篇名 An Indeal Guardian: A Comparative Study of Plato and Hsuntze
作者 張靜如
頁次 091-110
關鍵字 國衛柏拉圖荀子軍事倫理德行教育GuardianPlatoHsuntzeMilitary ethicsVirtue education
出刊日期 200806


「我們的國衛(guardian)要既是戰士又是哲學家」、「那種最能維護我國法律與制度的人--讓他們充當我們的國衛吧!」柏拉圖(BC428~BC348)在《理想國(The Republic)》一書中,對於輔佐治理者執行「對外捍敵護國、對內維護公民安寧」工作的國衛階層,曾多所論述;而在東方,略為晚出的荀子(BC340~BC245)也對「國衛」相關議題多所關注,其探討散見《荀子》<榮辱>、<富國>、<王霸>、<議兵>、<彊國>、<樂論>等篇。綜觀東、西兩位先哲思想的共通點有:一、主張自個人修為乃至國家目的,都必頇有道德理想的貫穿;二、強調社會每一份子應依其天性與專業能力,在其角色地位上「各盡其份,各得其宜」;三、重視音樂的道德教育功能;四、提倡教材檢查制度以擇善而教。至於其差異處為:一、柏拉圖精研國衛教育的「教學領域」與「養成過程」,荀子僅對教育內容(如禮義教化與樂教)作原則性的標舉;二、柏拉圖對國衛特質與條件較多闡述,而荀子對將領的專業修為,以及軍隊整體的倫理、紀律要求較多著墨;三、柏拉圖主張國衛應「共產公妻」;荀子則持「利澤誠厚」的原則。兩者思想上的異却互見,足以激發後人的想像,亦可提供現付軍事倫理之省思與參考。


“Our guardians are both warriors and philosophers who can guard the laws and institutions,” wrote Plato in The Republic . Hsuntze, A Chinese Philosopher, has also depicted numerous issues of guardians in The Works of Hsuntze . My concern in this paper is to present the similarities and differences between both of them. The similarities: 1.Morality is necessary and good not only to the individual but to the state. 2.One should “do what he should do and take what belong to him” in accordance with his nature, occupation, and role. 3.Emphasize the functions of music in character education. 4.Examine educational materials so as to prohibit the unsuitable. The differences: 1.Plato knows well the field and process of military education while Hsuntze just gives some principal examples. 2.Plato expounds the characteristics and qualifications of the guardian. Hsuntze pays more attention to the military professionalism, ethics, and discipline. 3.Plato contends that the guardians should practice the community of property and families. And Hsuntze emphasizes the importance of rich salaries and kind treatment.
