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篇名 閱聽人之人格特質、收聽行為、收聽動機與收聽滿足之關聯性研究--以漢聲廣播電臺為例
卷期 90
並列篇名 A Study on the Association between Audience's Personality Trait, Listening Behavior, Motivation, and Gratification: The Case of Han Voice Broadcasting Network
作者 陶聖屏蔡順傑
頁次 265-296
關鍵字 廣播閱聽人使用與滿足媒介系統依賴操作條件作用學習人格特質Radio broadcastingAudience analysisUses and gratificationsMedia system dependency relationPersonality traits
出刊日期 200712




This research is based on the theory of uses and gratification with regard to active audiences, and deeply explores the audiences' listening motivations, listening behaviors, and listening gratification. In terms of personality traits, this study also discovers some essential dimensions of audiences' characteristics by way of the factor analysis on psychographics. Findings, in turn, could be helpful to profile and to target the audience more effectively regarding program planning in general, and audience segmentation in specifical.Gathering samples through the on-line questionnaires and the personal interview ones, this research generates valid samples of 2183. Some important findings are as follows:There exists a significant correlation between the personality trait and listening behavior, listening motivation, and listening gratification. The personality traits of heavily listening audiences tend to be moral conservative, more even-tempered, and more introverted. Further, the persons with conservative personality traits have the strongest listening motivation and obtain the most gratification. Regarding listening frequency and previous listening experiences, both are positively related with listening motivation, and satisfaction. The most powerful predicators to audiences' gratification emerge from applying the stepwise regression analysis.
