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篇名 中華民國立國精神「本體論」的建構--以孫、蔣「耶、儒本體會通」的義理系統為例
卷期 89
並列篇名 The Constructing of Ontology in the Founding Spirits of the Republic of China--A Case Study of the Christianity, and Confucianism's Communication Theory Systems of Sun Yat-sen and Jiang Zhong-Zheng
作者 盧國慶
頁次 303-323
關鍵字 中華民國立國精神本體論孫中山蔣中正The founding spirits of the Republic of ChinaOntologySun Yat-senJiang Zhong Zheng
出刊日期 200706




“World View” can be regarded as the Core of of Gungfu (Theory of Practical Activity) and Jihngjieh(Philosophy of Mental and Physical State) connecting with Ontology and Cosmology of the founding Spirits of the Republic of China﹒ The purpose of this research is to examine the Christianity, and Confucianism’s Ontology Communication Theory systems of Sun Yat-sen and Jiang Zhong Zheng﹒They did much theoretical work to integrate the “Heave”of the Chinese Ancient times , and to integrate Confucianism and the Christianity . They applied many Christianity God’s theories to interpret the Confucianism’s classics. It seems that the “Heave” philosophy of Confucianism is quite the same as the “God”of Christianity in their works. Actually, They just made the use of the opportunity of the interpretation of the Confucianism classics to introduce and widespread the God‘’philosophy of the Christianity.In general, Sun Yat-sen and Jiang Zhong Zheng were Christians in their nature, and the interpretation of Confucianism and the integrating work between Christianity and Confucianism was all based on their Christian viewpoints.In this article the author intends to give a reflection on this theory.

