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篇名 媒體與軍隊關係的演進:戰時新聞媒體管制與運用的發展
卷期 89
並列篇名 The Evolution of the Relationship between the Media and Military: The Development of News Media Management and Control at Wars
作者 胡光夏
頁次 077-106
關鍵字 戰時媒體管制媒體與軍隊關係克里米亞戰爭越戰波斯灣戰爭Media management at warThe relationship between the media and the militaryCrimea WarVietnam WarPersian Gulf War
出刊日期 200706




Based on the theories of interaction between news sources and media, this paper is intended to study the methods the governments and militaries in the world adopt to interact with the media during the periods of war. In addition, by using the historic and documentary methods, this study is designed to explore the evolution of media management and media control strategies adopted by the military.The objectives of this paper focus on exploring the evolution of the relationships between the media and the military, especially on the developments of media control and strategies in different wars, and on how these control measures influence the future relationships between the media and the governments.This paper is divided into six parts: firstly, the introduction; secondly, the Crimea War; thirdly, the relationship between the media and the military during the golden age of war reporting; fourthly, the relationship between the media and the military during the World War I and II; fifthly, the development of media pool and embedded system;finally, the conclusion.

