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篇名 司法人員、政務官、事務官及武職人員適用同一懲戒程序問題之研究
卷期 89
並列篇名 The Research on Whether Apply to Judicial Officials, Political Appointees, Civil Servants and Military Officers the Same Procedure of Disciplinary Sanctions
作者 于茂宗
頁次 347-364
關鍵字 彈劾懲戒懲處公務人員懲戒委員會ImpeachmentDisciplinary sanctionsDisciplinary punishmentCommission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries
出刊日期 200706




The Law of Disciplinary Sanctions of Public Functionaries was put into effect on 1947. Under Article 77 of the Constitution of Republic of China, the power of disciplinary sanctions of public functionaries is codified as one of powers held by the Judiciary Yuan and authorized to the Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries(The Commission). The commission reviews and reprimands cases of misconduct and negligence done by public servants through suggestions initiated by the Ombudsman Yuan.According to the object, initiation, reviewing commission, cause, procedure, remedy, adjudication, the Commission adopts a two-way mechanism that is, disciplinary sanction is paralleled to disciplinary punishment. And that, it raises questions on “separation between impeachment and disciplinary sanction”, “parallel system between disciplinary sanction and disciplinary punishment” as well “reviewing structure between impeachment and disciplinary sanctions”. Consequently, these questions brings up more dimensions that frustrate us, for example, which one is right procedure, either disciplinary sanction or punishment, to apply on public functionaries, what are the categories of misconduct and punishment, what are the distinctions of procedures between disciplinary sanction and punishment and what are the procedural remedies.The purpose of study is to analyze, clarify ambiguities that arouse by the Law of Disciplinary Sanctions of Public Functionaries and the issues mentioned above, especially, the topic on whether apply to judicial officials, political appointees, civil servants and military officers Finally, I am making an effort of suggesting solutions to resolve these problems.

