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篇名 From Veto Power to Influential Group: Defense and Security Sectors in Democratizing Taiwan
卷期 89
並列篇名 臺灣民主化與國安部門政策影響力之轉變
作者 曾怡碩
頁次 489-510
關鍵字 軍文關係民主領軍國安部門國家化Civil-military relationsDemocratic controlNational security sectorGuojiahuaNationalization
出刊日期 200706




This paper examines Taiwan’s civil-military relations in the context of democratic consolidation, focusing on how armed forces and security apparatus face dual challenges for their professional autonomy and political neutrality in a young democracy. In contrast to expectations that lingering fear of interventions and questions about political loyalty would provide the military motives and opportunities to consolidate their veto power positions, defense and security sectors in Taiwan achieved political neutrality sooner than expected. Taking on the case of the Coast Guard Administration, this paper finds that the security sector actor carves their own political niches within the new democratic order by turning to political and civil society and lobbying their own defense and security policy agendas. The shifting avenue in policy influence by the security sector suggests both progresses and challenges for consolidating democratic governance over the defense and security establishments in Taiwan.

