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篇名 Britain's Nuclear Command, Control and Operations
卷期 87
作者 Cheng, Ta-chen
頁次 359-391
關鍵字 Nuclear weaponsBritainNATOCommand and controlMoscow criterion
出刊日期 200609



Nuclear command and control systems allow the execution of wartime missions in conformity with the given nuclear strategy and include strict measures to eliminate the possibility of unauthorised or accidental firing of weapons. This article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis by investigating the British case. As far as targeting and operations were concerned, Britain's nuclear targeting and operation plans of strategic weapons were at two levels: the joint NATO operation and national targeting. In terms of tactical nuclear weapons, all three of Britain's armed forces in the Cold War possessed tactical nuclear weapons. Most tactical nuclear weapons in Europe were provided by the Americans, but the British had their own tactical nuclear stockpile. The small number of Britain's tactical nuclear weapons could perhaps be insignificant militarily, but they formed an important political commitment to the Alliance.
