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篇名 3G行動裝置數位導覽架構與整合UML和UP開發流程
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 Navigation system framework on 3G mobile device: integration of UML and the UP method
作者 何善輝黃俊瑜王郁仁劉欣怡張渝源
頁次 051-061
關鍵字 數位導覽3G行動導覽UMLUPDigital navigation3G mobile navigation
出刊日期 200811




In recent years, between the different culture's characteristic received gradually takes seriously, therefore different cultural relics exhibition gradually increase, especially abroad, the museum exhibits the collection to Taiwan, then to attract a large number of people to visit. For the public exhibit, either through the exhibit next to the description, explain the member of the navigation or the use of voice navigation device, but these ways have their advantages and disadvantages. In recent years the popularity of 3G mobile networks and digital navigation help show the way to solve the shortage of traditional navigation methods, but there are no 3G mobile navigation systems at present. For this reason, we will propose a 3G mobile device to the navigation system's basic framework, and any of the system is related to the navigation to be possible to rest on this construction to extend. Based upon this framework, We also actually develop a 3G mobile device navigation system, the development process is integrated UML and the UP system to assist in the development, through the UML graphics rendering and UP iteration methods to reduce the development of unnecessary risk.
