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篇名 哺乳期牙科用藥安全
卷期 6:4
並列篇名 The Safety of Dental Drugs in Lactation
作者 葉丁毓余佳華魏振峰
頁次 004-016
關鍵字 哺乳期牙科用藥lactationdental drugs
出刊日期 201203


母乳是嬰兒最好的食物和營養來源,但許多藥物會經由母體分泌到乳汁內,當哺餵母乳的母親有口腔疾病時,牙醫師在開立處方藥須同時考量及注意是否對嬰兒有影響,所以要瞭解牙科用藥進入乳汁的分泌情形是非常重要的。關於牙科用藥影響嬰兒的安全性,雖然陸續都有研究發表,但仍然有許多未知部分值得探討。故本文藉由整理各項牙科常用藥物,以期能使牙醫師在開立哺乳患者的處方藥時,便於選擇對嬰兒安全性影響最少的藥物。 (J. Family Dent. 6(4):4-16, 2012)


Breast milk is the best food and the ideal source of nutrition for infants. But if the mother takes medications, they can be secreted into her breast milk. For a breast-feeding mother suffering from a dental illness, the dentist must take into consideration if the prescribed medications would negatively affect the infant's health. Therefore, the full knowledge of drug secretion in lactation is of great importance in dentistry. Despite increasing literature of the safety of dental medications in infants, many aspects about this topic remained untouched and merit further research and exploration. Hence, we reviewed many common dental medications in this article, with an attempt to help dentists choose the safest drug for infants while prescribing for lactating mothers. (J. Family Dent. 6(4): 4-16, 2012)
