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篇名 重大災害事件對媒體議題設定及政府決策之影響基隆河流域河川整治的個案研究
卷期 63
並列篇名 Major Disasters, Media Agenda-setting, and Policy-making: A Study of Keelung River Floods and Their Mitigation Policies
作者 盧鏡臣周素卿江尚書
頁次 089-113
關鍵字 重大災害媒體議題設定災害管理政策基隆河河川整治major disastermedia agenda-settingdisaster managementKeelung Riverflood control worksScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201112




In Taiwan, the government tends to take serious actions of hazard mitigation measures only after major disasters, even though some government agencies have already foreseen the impacts prior to the events. In addition, structural measures are widely adopted as the major solutions for flood mitigation. This might produce false consciousness of safety and, in turn, attract more population and assets to flood-prone areas than should be allowed. This study uses Keelung River straightening and Yuanshanzi diversion projects in Keelung River Flood Control Plan as the cases to examine the relationships among major disasters, media agenda setting, and policy making and to disclose the paradoxes mentioned above. The results show that major disasters did change media agenda setting and affect the government to prioritize hazard mitigation policies and even to accelerate the decision making process of controversial projects. In short, there are consistent tones between issue-framing of news reports and engineering-oriented solutions of flood mitigation.
