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篇名 周處傳說探究
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Legends of Zhou Chu
作者 羅 景 文
頁次 69-99
關鍵字 周處傳說世說新語宜興集體記憶Zhou Chu 周處legendShi shuo xin yu 世說新語Yixing 宜興collective memoryMEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 201003




The legend of Zhou Chu 周處 turning over a new leaf is familiar to many through the account in the Shi shuo xin yu 世說新語. In actual fact, there are many legends relating to Zhou Chu that to this day remain alive in popular accounts. The legends can be roughly divided into three types: his elimination of three banes; his repentance, and then learning from someone; and the folkways related to him. These legends not only reflect people’s understanding and views of Zhou Chu as a historical figure and the subtle interaction between the gentry and common folk, but also illustrate the selectivity of collective memory. This article will analyze the content of the various legends and the commonalities and differences between them. It will then illustrate the reasons for the creation of the legends, and explain the implied interaction between gentry and common folk concealed beneath them. Finally, this paper will discuss the selectivity of collective memory.
