
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 時代的悲吟與創憶:論晚清詩的苦難敘事
卷期 23
並列篇名 Lamentation and Traumatic Memories Recollected : On the Narrative of Sufferings in Late Qing Poem
作者 林香伶
頁次 275-305
關鍵字 晚清詩創傷敘述詩史敘事苦難Late Qing poemsufferingnarrativeshishitrauma narrativeTHCI
出刊日期 201205




Because the poems of late Qing generally reflects the situation of turmoil political, it was demonstrated using culture-trauma theory in this
study, and probe into how poet take with lyrical aesthetics in order to
express to history sorrowful narration, how to record the trauma memory
of China of late Qing, and passed with incident and personages' record to
the content of suffered narration poem of late Qing, abundantly. Through
the writing for history of event and history of biography, suffer the
narration of abundant late Qing poem.
Integrally, it was construct the distinct the view of epic of late Qing and described, or with the thing of people's department in the poem in late Qing, or methods under the deep lamentation of poet. It merged and
narrated with the lyrical writing tactics, lay rational person , thing to
narrate, story plot refine, represent in the change of length and space,
have , characteristic of ' history of poetry card each other '. Face the
suffering , the poet released personal experience of self-narrative express one's own compassion and feeling of the anger ; During the process of collective memory, it offered the molding of personage's distinct grief , and reveal the meaning that ' the personal identity is approved ' (personal identity ); Meanwhile, for strengthen impression of reader and create the recall of era c, it was worth to analysis the poet of late Qing that used the suffering memory to narrated trauma with the huge poem form to made of the treatise, form the special phenomena of the poetry circles of latter stage of Qing Dynasty.
