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篇名 “士人入仕”的再詮釋-柳宗元〈封建論〉的一個側面
卷期 26:2
並列篇名 A Reinterpretation of the Phrase "Literati Entering Public Service": A Look at Liu Zongyuan's "On Feudalism"
作者 王德權
頁次 71-100
關鍵字 封建制郡縣制士人階級唐代柳宗元feudalismprefectures and counties systemliteratiTang dynastyLiu Zongyuan柳宗元MEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 200806




"On Feudalism" is comprised of three main parts. Liu Zongyuan柳宗元, using the benefit of the people as a core issue, discusses the influence and power of government posts and concludes that the virtue of the literati is the most essential part of bureaucracy. He replaces the idea of "Heaven" with that of utilitarianism and outlines the basic concept of his political and sociological theories. He indicates that the prefectures and counties system is superior to feudalism because it provides the literati with a possible career and eliminates inherited social status. He emphasizes the justifiability of the prefectures and counties system is based on the virtue of the literati. Only capable magistrates benefit the people. Liu thereupon encourages literati to enter into public service as a fulfillment of the calling. His arguments reflect the political reality of the mid-Tang dynasty, during which the tax laws were most oppressive.
