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篇名 末期腎病患者足部問題評估與護理
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Assessment and Care of Foot Problems in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease
作者 白玉玲盧永川洪士元丘周萍
頁次 011-018
關鍵字 末期腎病足部問題護理End stage renal diseaseFoot problemNursing careTSCI
出刊日期 201203




Various risk factors affect the foot health of patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD). The major hazard is a higher amputation rate compared to those without ESRD. To prevent ulceration of lower limbs and the adversity of amputation, nurses play an important role in the assessment and care of foot problems. It is essential to adopt measures that detect and prevent serious problems caused by the ignorance of proper foot care when caring for patients with end stage renal disease. This article introduces the causes, risk factors, risk evaluation and care of foot problems for patients with ESRD. Proactive prevention and better care should help prevent serious foot problems in patients with ESRD.
