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篇名 真武湯臨床應用及案例
卷期 17:4
並列篇名 Clinical Application of ZhenWuTang: A Case Study
作者 林琬翎
頁次 250-257
關鍵字 真武湯少陰病但欲臥急性熱性傳染病
出刊日期 201112




ZhenWuTang originates from Lesser Yin chapter in the "On Cold Damage". Lesser Yin disease is equal to the end stage of acute febrile infectious disease nowadays. The symptoms for ZhenWuTang are mostly drowsiness and fatigue. Although ZhenWuTang of Lesser Yin disease is listed as extensively used formulas with GeGenTang of TaiYang disease and XiaoChaiHuTang in Lesser Yang disease, it only focuses on Lesser Yin disease that shows end stage of life, except other miscellaneous diseases. It is therefore more important than GeGenTang and XiaoChaiHuTang. This article discusses the clinical application and a case study of ZhenWuTang.
