
東華漢學 THCI

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篇名 金文研究與經典訓讀―以《尚書•君奭》與《逸周書•祭公篇》兩則為例
卷期 12
並列篇名 Bronzeware Script Studies and Traditional Chinese Etymology Two Case Studies from Shang shu and Yi Zhoushu
作者 蔡哲茂
頁次 1-20
關鍵字 金文訓詁尚書逸周書Bronzeware scriptChinese etymologyShang shuYi ZhoushuTHCI
出刊日期 201012




Wang Guowei pointed out the importance of the 'dual evidence method,' combining the evidence from archaeological artifacts with the evidence from written documents, each one proving and elucidating the other. This paper compares written data from bronzeware and the Classics, and shows how one can thus revise traditional debatable explanations of the latter with examples taken from Shang shu and Yi Zhoushu.
