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篇名 一種電視內容物件之推播系統
卷期 145
並列篇名 A Television Object Promoting System
作者 游敦皓吳奕叡葉怡鎮
頁次 58-63
關鍵字 聯網電視內容感知影像辨識互動科技Connected TVContent AwareImage RecognitionInteraction Technology
出刊日期 201206


本文提出電視內容物件推播系統(TV Objects Prompting system,簡稱TOPS),為一種應用於客廳電視觀看情境中的所見即所得的使用者介面與使用者體驗方式,讓消費者在觀看電視的同時,可以針對電視節目內容的特定物件,包括商品、人物、景觀、物品等各類物件,取得相關的資訊,或進一步直接購買該物件,而廠商則可透過TOPS,針對被系統標示出來的特定物件,提供適切的物件資訊或是銷售管道給消費者,達到消費者便利與商品行銷的目的,為一達到消費者與廠商雙贏的機制。本文同時也簡略說明實作TOPS雛型系統中的各項軟體元件,及其功能與特性。


We propose TOPS - TV Objects Promoting system, a WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get) userinterface and user experience designed for users to interact objects in TV programs. With TOPS, whilewatching TV, consumers are able to acquire information about objects appeared in TV programs, such asmerchandises, people, and scenic spots. Moreover, consumers are able to directly purchase themerchandises, or services and items related to those objects. Besides, vendors are able to provide detail andselling information about the objects. TOPS brings not only convenience to consumers, but also newmarketing methods to vendors. In this paper, we will discuss the features, design, and implementation ofTOPS.
