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篇名 性別及世代差異對於調查官執法態度之影響
卷期 18
並列篇名 The Influence of Gender and Generation on Taiwan MJIB Agents' Attitudes Toward Law Enforcement
作者 李允中
頁次 061-088
關鍵字 性別世代調查局調查官執法gendergenerationcohortInvestigation BureauMJIBlaw enforcement
出刊日期 201203






This thesis examines the influence of gender and generation on law enforcement officers' working attitudes using survey data collected from special agents of the Taiwan's Investigation Bureau, Ministry of Justice (hereafter referred to as MJIB). MJIB represents a key law enforcement agency of Taiwan's criminal justice system specializing in the investigation of government corruption, bribery, economic crimes and illegal drug transactlOns.
MJIB was chosen as the subject of the thesis because of its demographic changes in gender and generation in recent years. The agency lifted its quota restrictions on female agent recruitment in 2006. Meanwhile, worth noticing as well is the emerging population of the “Net-Generation"agents, who were bom and grew up after 1975 when martial law was lifted and now represent a whole new liberal generation in an agency dominated by a conservative bureaucratic culture.
Previous research has acknowledged the influences of gender and generation on law enforcement officers’ task execution aggressiveness, indicating that male officers exhibit more supportive attitudes than their female counterparts, and that the Net-Generation officers have a higher degree of involvement in task execution than senior officers.
Based on 394 surveys collected between May and June, 2011 from MJIB agents in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City, findings of this survey, however, are not consistent with these from previous research. With respect to task execution, the female agents are found to be less dedicated to duties, and the Net-Generation agents prefer aggressive raids and investigation approaches and favor the importance of arresting suspects. The study also did not discover any interaction effects between gender and generation on agents' working attitudes.
