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篇名 多國公司產品創新專案網絡構形與影響因素之探討
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 Factors Affecting the Configuration of Multinational Corporations' Product Innovation Project-based Networks
作者 曾淑婉于卓民
頁次 149-188
關鍵字 多國公司創新網絡網絡類型multinational corporationsinnovation networkstypes of networksScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201206




Multinational corporations (MNCs) can innovate with external organizations by forming innovation networks. Previous studies focus more on the motives or outcomes of innovation networks but pay less attention to configurations of innovation networks such as the members involved. Taking the perspective of an MNC, in this paper we explore the factors affecting the configuration of product innovation project-based networks. This study adopts a multiple cases study approach and both radical and incremental product innovation project-based networks are examined. We provide a typology to classify project-based networks based on the scale of internal members joining a project and the scale of external members joining a project. We find that diversity of products, importance of projects, newness of projects and complexity of technology affect the configuration of product innovation project-based networks.
