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篇名 歐債危機對全球經濟與金融發展之影響
卷期 475
並列篇名 Study on the Impacts of European Debt Crisis to Global Economic and Financial Developments.
作者 趙永祥
頁次 29-48
關鍵字 歐債危機全球經濟全球金融歐元區歐盟(EU)European debt crisisthe global economyglobal financethe euro zonethe European Union
出刊日期 201203




The current euro zone debt crisis starts from Greece, and spreads out to other nations within the EU which are now using the euro as the currency in circulation. Greece repaid past loans with new borrowing in order to maintain its credit. Up to now, Greece cannot meet the euro-zone economy standards therefore the Greek debt rating is still falling down, and then it is difficult to borrow a new loan. Without outside rescue Greece would encounter the risk of country credit crisis like Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. this is what we know the debt crisis in Europe. This study attempted to analyze the formation of its follow-up to discuss the impact generated by the global economic and financial debt crisis from Europe in depth. This study will discuss the following points: 1. the euro zone debt crisis in general; 2. how to deal with development situations in Europe; 3. the impact of European debt crisis on Taiwan's regional economic and financial development; and the impact on China economy and finance
