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篇名 以泰國潮劇發展論華泰的族群邊界之改變
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 Exploring Chaozhou Opera Influence On The Boundary of Ethnic Group In Thailand
作者 張雅粱
頁次 059-075
關鍵字 潮劇族群邊界認同東南亞移民Chaozhou operaethnic groups boundaryidentitySoutheast Asia immigration
出刊日期 201204




Chinese and southeast interdynamic had begun from the period of Three Kindoms(三國). The reasons of Chaozhou(潮州)people became overseas immigrants came frome the scope of politics and economic factor from ancient times. The geographical environment of Chaozhou and natural conditions were an important factor of making the Chaozhou people to have to immigrant. When China ( Qing period,清朝時期) and Thailand ( Siam period,暹羅時期) transited from the political situations, immigration phenomenon of Chaozhou people created immigrant peak at the 18th and the beginning of the 20th . At the same time, Chinese immigrants had taken inherent in religious belief and religious activity to Siam. Chaozhou opera(潮劇)had become important soul and social network for Chinese immigrants because of the cultural characteristic of Chinese drama. When Chaozhou opera spread into Thailand, Thai people loved it ,too.
Because of different culture mixed with each other, so the Chaozhou opera changed qualitatively in Thailand . When the language and ceremony spirit of playing had not replied the tradition , the Chaozhou opera how to make a reservation and search for its suitable seat? Which one is the function of Chaozhou opera between China and Thai cultures? ethnic identity or ethnic integration?This paper will explore Chaozhou opera as an example in Thailand, and explain the contradiction and predicament when the different cultures have mixed. It will look over the influence on the boundary between China and Thailand from Chaozhou opera.
