
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Structural Identification of Nano-Calcium Compounds in Milk Powder by X-Ray Powder Diffraction=
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 X光粉末繞射技術於奶粉中奈米鈣化合物之結構鑑定
作者 蔡佳芬黃立宇曾素香陳景翔
頁次 510-515+557
關鍵字 X光粉末繞射奈米鈣化合物結構鑑定X-ray powder diffractionNano-calciumStructural identificationMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 201206




X-ray diffraction patterns of nano-calcium in milk samples obtained from market, to determine their crystal structures and average grain size. The results indicated that after processing, nano-calcium in milk powders not only prompt the transformation of crystal structure, but also partially generate oxide structures or even hydrated structures known as the hetero phase. The methodology of using X-ray powder diffraction for the structural identification of nano-calcium compounds in milk powders has been successfully established in this study. This methodology can be applied to characterize the compounds and reveal the stability of the nano-scale additives in nano-food technology.

