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篇名 網路口碑對網路團購意圖之影響
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 The Influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth to Online Collective Purchasing Intention
作者 王如鈺王仁宏莊濟任
頁次 001-034
關鍵字 網路口碑網路團購意圖Electronic word-of-mouthOnline collective purchasing intention
出刊日期 201204


網路購物風氣盛行,促使新的購物模式-網路團購-誕生;但消費者在參與網路團購前,會對於團購結果產生高度不確定性,因此,會透過網路口碑,進而增加對此購買決策的信心。由此可知,網路口碑在消費者的購物決策中,具一定影響力。本研究主要係探討網路口碑因素、網路口碑說服效果、網路團購因素與網路團購意圖之關係。同時,以結構方程模式 (Structural Equations Model, SEM) 作為本研究之主要分析方法。結果顯示:(一)來源可信度、關係強度與口碑內容會正向影響網路口碑說服效果;(二)價


Internet shopping is in vogue. As a result, a brand-new shopping mode, ONLINE COLLECTIVE PURCHASING, was born. Before joining the online collective purchasing, the consumers may own high uncertainty for the collective purchasing results. Therefore, they will depend on electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) to enhance their confidence for the purchasing decision-making. This shows that e-WOM does have the influence. This study chiefly discusses the relationship among the e-WOM factors, the persuasive effect of e-WOM, the online collective purchasing factors, and the online collective purchasing intention. At the same time, this study takes SEM (Structural Equations Model) as the major analytic method.
The results reveal that: (1) the source expertise, the tie strength, and the content of WOM have the positive influence on the persuasive effect of e-WOM; (2) the price consciousness and the perceived risk have the negative influence and the initiator’s credibility have the positive influence on the online collective purchasing intention; (3) the persuasive effect of e-WOM have the positive influence on the online collective purchasing intention.
