
International Journal of Science and Engineering

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篇名 The Performance Comparison of the Hybrid Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) and Gas Turbine (GT) Systems
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 混合型固氧燃料電池與瓦斯渦輪系統之性能比較
作者 P. Chinda;P. Brault
頁次 001-010
關鍵字 CycleEfficiencyGas TurbineHybridPerformance MapSea LevelSolid Oxide Fuel Cell
出刊日期 201206



A hybrid solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine system model is developed. The simple models are used in the preliminary part of the study and more realistic one based on the performance maps. Some important observations are made during the configuration study. The fuel cell performance is found to be a strong function of operating temperature. The parameters that limit the cycle performance are the SOFC temperature, the turbine inlet temperature, and the exhaust temperature. Though at high SOFC temperature, the cycle efficiency is high, the cycle operation under these conditions is not feasible after a certain point. The important fact found was that the selected configuration, at sea level conditions, a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine power system can achieve cycle system efficiency better than the reference. The results of the selected model were validated by comparing with reference cycle from literature.
