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篇名 An Analysis of Digital Working Process of Children's Book Illustrators
卷期 90
並列篇名 兒童圖畫書插畫家之數位工作流程探析
作者 陳麗秋
頁次 047-068
關鍵字 數位工作流程兒童圖畫書插畫家兒童圖畫書插畫Digital working processChildren's book illustratorsChildren's book illustrationTHCI
出刊日期 201204


一位插畫家的繪畫工作流程經常是因為插畫家想呈現出來的插畫風格而使用該技法的工作 流程。因為兒童圖晝書市場比較喜歡插畫風格呈現如傳統繪畫樣式,所以在技法上兒童圖畫書 插畫家常會利用電腦去技巧性地創作出如使用傳統繪畫工具般。本研究將透過分析所訪談插畫 家與其提供的視覺佐證做為了解插畫家常用的工作流程,其訪談者包含英國與台灣插畫家,從 分析中深入兒童圖畫書插畫家們如何整合性地應用傳統舆數位工作流程,此分析並且提供了解 自從使用電腦後插畫家們的工作流程與繪畫工具的變化。


The working process of an illustration often depends on how illustrator would like to deliver its image. As the children’s book market prefers illustrations which give the appearance of traditional drawing. Therefore technically children’s book illustrators would use the computer to create an image as if drawn by traditional means. In this study, the common working processes of digital illustration were explored through an analysis of the evidence the interviewees provided, the interviewees include British and Taiwanese illustrators. To gain an inside of how children’s book illustrators integrating traditional and digital working processes. The analysis also provides an understanding of the changes since the introduction of the use of a computer, the alteration of working processes and drawing means.

