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篇名 清代台灣詩學的玉山書寫──以陳夢林〈玉山歌〉〈望玉山記〉為中心
卷期 19
並列篇名 Taiwan Poetry on Yushan Mountain in Ching Dynasty —Meng-Lin Chen’s Ode to Yushan and On Gazing at Yushan centered
作者 劉芝慶
頁次 085-102
關鍵字 玉山陳夢林台灣詩學玉山歌望玉山記YushanMeng-Lin ChenTaiwan poetryOde to YushanOn Gazing at Yushan
出刊日期 201209




In Ching Era, while Chinese immigrants wondered the treacherous challenge
of climbing Yushan Mountain, they feared the ferocious animals as well as aborigines occupying it. This caused incessant rumors of treasures hidden in Yushan. Meanwhile, despite of continual documentation of the rare beauty of Yushan that attracted people from afar, Yushan Mountain remained a peak nonnegotiable to Chinese immigrants. As a result, Yushan Mountain became part of the official documentation by Chinese immigrant with plentiful mystery and in an information-lacking condition. On the other hand, however, the inapproachability of Yushan also gave rise to a deal of literary imagination. Poets in Ching dynasty depicted its majesty and beauty of clouds and peaks and went so far as to fake a wonderland of it. The literates from generation to generation kept celebrating Yushan, which thus became a subject of literary creation as well as a link in the history of Taiwan’s literature. When we review, we will find that most of Meng-Lin Chen’s writing about Yushan bore the signature of originality. Chen’s significance in Taiwan’s poetic writing about Yushan Mountain was always exemplified by Ching poets’ re-creation by citing his works or imitation of his idea by quoting his passages. This paper has the historical background which uses the cognition people in Ching Dynasty about Yushan Mountain as the framework before analyzing the influence of Chen’s writing from the angle of poetry.
