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篇名 Sinus Lifting with Osteotome Technique in Inadequate Residual Bone Situation— Case Report
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 在上顎後牙剩餘骨高度不足時使用骨鑿術進行鼻竇墊高—病例報告
作者 鄭偉立王振穎賴向華
頁次 048-056
關鍵字 人工植牙鼻竇墊高側方開窗底部骨鑿Sinus liftsinus elevationosteotomelateral windowdental implant
出刊日期 201206




The prerequisite for predictable osseointegration of dental implant is adequate remaining bone to provide initial stability. In mandibular posterior area, the mandibular canal and metal foramen are the
limiting anatomic structures for implant placement. In maxillary posterior area, the limiting anatomic structure is the maxillary sinus. In the case of inadequate remaining bone, ridge augmentation procedure
should be performed before or simultaneously with implant placement. Literatures showed that horizontal ridge augmentation to increase the bone width is more predictable than vertical ridge augmentation.
Fortunately, in the maxillary posterior area, sinus lifting procedure to increase the vertical bone height seems to be more stable than in other areas of the jawbone. There are two surgical techniques for sinus lifting:
lateral window technique and osteotome technique. In patients with less remaining bone, lateral window for sinus grafting and two stages approach is recommended because initial implant stability is hard to achieve.
However, two stages approach will lengthen the total treatment time and the post-operative discomfort of the patient is more apparent with open window technique compared to osteotome technique. This case report
will show the sinus lifting procedure using osteotome technique and implant placement concomitantly even in the compromised remaining bone condition.
