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篇名 批判性思考與教學--對話、解放與重建
卷期 675
並列篇名 Critical Thinking and Its Pedagogy: Dialogue, Emancipation and Reconstruction
作者 溫明麗
頁次 2-8
關鍵字 批判性思考批判性思考教學轉化能力工具理性Critical thinkingCritical thinking pedagogyTransferabilityInstrumental reason
出刊日期 201206




This article examines the nature of critical thinking, particularly as it involves functions, limits and definition of critical thinking, and the critical thinking pedagogy is to be explored, including the goa1, curriculum design, instruction strategies, principles and even assessment, and so on. Then, as the argument of critical thinking becoming a trend of education in this new era is launched through the following discussions: a) clarifying the nature of critical thinking, as it is mistaken as a reason, and fights against the instrumental reason; b) the background knowledge and transferability of a critical thinker are highlighted to indicate the appropriate disciplinary; c) a democratic ethos is required and dialogue and dialectic discussion, viz., reflection, emancipation and reconstruction of value system should be indispensable for critical thinking pedagogy; and d) the effectiveness of critical thinking pedagogy shows its possibilities via problem-solving or deliberative observations. Accordingly, with the globalization and the development of digital technology, critical thinking must become a significant competence in a way of educational activities.
