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篇名 探討不同專項力量訓練機制對柔道運動下肢力量訓練效果
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Different of Special Strength Training Mechanism to Effect of Low Limb Strength Training of Judo
作者 郭癸賓林秀卿許銘禮
頁次 080-100
關鍵字 柔道背負投專項力量Judoseoi-nageSpecial Strength
出刊日期 201206


本研究探討柔道運動下肢專項力量訓練,期能找出更符合肌肉收縮特徵與實戰施術(以「背負投」 )時模式、更適合且具效益的柔道運動下肢爆發力訓練方式,以提升柔道選手的下肢力量與速度。本研究以27名男性柔道選手為研究對象,實驗前皆無膝關節或下背部運動傷害,身體或精神亦無不適狀況,皆有6個月以上的重量訓練經驗;平均年齡 19.38(±0.825)歲、平均身高 168.5(±2.753)公分、平均體重 67.7(±4.066)公斤、平均訓練年資 7.61(±1.296)年。隨機分派為PRI訓練組、彈震節奏組與傳統訓練組,每組各9名,進行共8週、每週3次的訓練。PRI訓練組之單次訓練負荷分別設定為動作頻率2.5Hz(一完整動作約0.4秒) 、訓練時間20秒 (共50個訓練動作) ;彈震節奏組之單次訓練負荷分別設定為:訓練動作頻率0.5Hz(一完整動作約2秒) 、訓練時間20秒(共10個訓練動作) ;傳統組之單次訓練負荷分別設定為:訓練動作頻率依運動員自己控制、訓練時間20秒(不限定完成次數) ,各組訓練負荷半蹲最大肌力(1RM)的50%、訓練組數5組、組與組間之休息時間2分鐘。結果發現:(1)PRI訓練組、彈震節奏組與背負投技術下肢用力特徵一致。(2)PRI訓練組、彈震節奏組與傳統組訓練後皆能顯著的增進下肢最大肌力、等長肌力(p<.05);但在爆發力方面,僅PRI訓練組、彈震節奏組具有顯著增強爆發力的效果,在最大肌力方面彈震節奏組顯著優於傳統組;等長肌力方面PRI組顯著優於傳統組。(3)PRI訓練組、彈震節奏組訓練後皆能顯著的增進背負投技術的「取位期時間」、「施術期時間」、「動作時間」(p<.05)。PRI訓練組、彈震節奏組在柔道背負投技術的「取位期時間」、「施術期時間」與「動作時間」的進步率方面皆顯著優於傳統組。因此,本研究認為PRI訓練與彈震節奏訓練機制具有增強爆發力的較佳訓練效果,並對於提升柔道運動下肢肌力與速度具有顯著的影響。


This study focus on the training way of lower limbs’ special strength of Judo, and try to find a more suitable training way for matching the feature of muscle contracture and the pattern of Kake (using Seoinage as test),also try to find a more effective way for the lower limbs’ power training. Then aim to enhance the strength of lower limbs and velocity of Judo players more effectively. The objects are 27 male Judo players that no one get any hurt on knees and lower back, or feel uncomfortable on both physical and mental, and all have had the heavy training over 6 months. Their average age is 19.38 years old(±0.825), average height is 168.5cm(±1.753), average weight is 67.6kg(±4.066), and the average period of training is 7.61 years(±1.296). 27 players were divided into 3 groups randomly. Were randomly assigned to the training group of PRI ,ballistic rhythm group and traditional training group, for a total of 8 weeks, three
times a week training. The results showed that: (1) PRI group, ballistic rhythm group and seoi-nage. (2) PRI group, ballistic rhythm group and traditional group significant in the training to maximal strength, and Isometric strength (p <.05); in explosive, only PRI training group, ballistic rhythm group has significantly enhanced explosive effect,
the maximum muscle strength of ballistic rhythm group was significantly better than the traditional group; and isometric strength of PRI group was significantly better than the traditional group. (3) PRI training group, ballistic rhythm group the significantly after training to enhance seoi-nage of "take time", “the performer time”, “action time” (p <.05). PRI training group, ballistic rhythm groyp of the seoi-nage techniques "take
time", "performer time" and "action time" rate of progress are significantly better than the traditional group. Therefore, this study suggests that the PRI training and ballistic rhythm training mechanism to better enhance the explosive power training have a significant impact on results, and to enhance lower extremity muscle strength and speed of the judo.
