
課程與教學 TSSCI

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篇名 成人教學者教學角色定位分析之研究
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 The Position Analysis of Adult Teacher’s Roles
作者 林振春秦秀蘭
頁次 161-192
關鍵字 成人教學者成人教學教學角色定位分析adult teacheradult teachingposition analysis of teacher’s rolesTSSCI
出刊日期 201104


本研究旨在為我國成人教學者教學角色進行定位分析,並分析成人教學者教學角色的認知屬性,作為未來相關研究的參考。本研究透過前導性的研究,邀請成人教學者篩選出十種國內成人教學者教學角色,再根據上述十種教學角色,編擬一份「成人教學者教學角色的定位分析調查間卷」,邀請成人教學者根據個人的觀點和覺察,針對這十種不同教學角色彼此間的相似性進行評估,並以多元尺度分析法(MDS)進行二向度的資料分析,以繪製出國內成人教學者教學角色的認知空間定位圖。接著根據各教學角色在認知空間上座標值的排序情形,整理出不同向度以及各象限教學角色的認知屬性,同時與Wallace 和Gravells 兩人所提出的教學角色進行比較,找出我國成人教學者教學角色的關鍵屬性,將X 軸(橫軸)界定為「教學互動程度」,Y 軸(縱軸)界定為「教學任務取向」。最後則針對成人教學者、教學機構和研究過程提出一些建議。


Along with progress in social economy and the educational level, the research on adult educator's professionalization has diverse appearances, and the center is "the professionalization of adult teacher." This research focuses on the position analysis of the adult teacher's roles and the compare of cognitive properties of these roles. With the pilot study of sieving out ten adult teacher's roles, the researcher designs a "questionnaire of position analysis of the adult teacher's roles" according to the above ten teacher's roles and invites adult teachers to determine the similarities between any two roles of them. Analyzing by two dimensions according to Multi- Dimensional-Scaling (MDS) and getting the Derived Stimulus Configuration, researcher tries to compare the cognitive properties of the teacher's roles in different quadrants and compare them with the research of Wallace and Gravells. The research names the X-axis as "the teaching interaction level", the Y-axis as "the teaching orientation". Finally, some suggestions for adult teachers, institutions and the future research are included for future position analysis and make the clear definition of the adult teacher's roles.
