
International Journal of Computational Linguistics And Chinese Language Processing THCI

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篇名 廣義知網詞彙意見極性的預測
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 Predicting the Semantic Orientation of Terms in E-HowNet
作者 李政儒游基鑫陳信希
頁次 021-036
關鍵字 廣義知網情緒分析情緒字典語義傾向向量支援機E-NowNetSentiment AnalysisSentiment dictionarySemantic orientationSVMTHCI Core
出刊日期 201206




The semantic orientation of terms is fundamental for sentiment analysis in sentence and document levels. Although some Chinese sentiment dictionaries are available, how to predict the orientation of terms automatically is still important. In this paper, we predict the semantic orientation of terms of E-HowNet. We extract many useful features from different sources to represent a Chinese term in E-HowNet, and use a
supervised machine learning algorithm to predict its orientation. Our experimental results showed that the proposed approach can achieve 92.33% accuracy.
