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篇名 臺灣中部地區光臘樹人工林生長量與碳存量之研究
卷期 24:3=269
並列篇名 Study on Growth and Carbon Storage of Fraxinus griffithii Plantation in Central Taiwan
作者 江博能王亞男梁治文
頁次 185-194
關鍵字 碳存量光臘樹人工林林份結構生長量Carbon storageFraxinus griffithiiPlantationStand structureTree growth
出刊日期 201009


本研究目的為分析臺大實驗清水溝營林區光臘樹人工林10、14及19年生生長模式與估算地上部生物量與碳存量。以韋伯機率密度函數模擬其林分結構變化,立木徑級之差距隨著年齡增加愈來愈大,立木胸徑接近平均值者愈少。估算林齡為10、14及19年生時林分蓄積分別為33.14m3/ha、63.10m3/ha及113.89m3/ha。碳存量分別為18.69ton/ha、35.59ton/ha及64.24 ton/ha。平均年碳存量分別為1.87ton/ha/yr、2.54ton/ha/yr、3.38ton/ha/yr。林分蓄積及碳存量仍穩定上升,大致上不低於臺灣其他林齡相近之光臘樹人工林。本研究結果提供中部光臘樹生長過程,俾作為森林經營管理之參考。


The purpose of this study was to analyze growth model and estimate the aboveground biomass and carbon storage at stand age of 10, 14 and 19 of Fraxinus griffithii plantation in Qingshuigou Tract of the Experimental Forest, NTU. The analysis from Weibull probability distribution frequency showed that ranges of stand diameter class increase with stand age. At stand age of 10, 14 and 19, stand volumes were estimated to be 33.14, 63.10 and 113.89 m3/ha respectively. The carbon storages were 18.69, 35.59 and 64.24 ton/ha. The average carbon storages per year were 1.87, 2.54 and 3.38 ton/ha/yr, which were equal or higher than other Fraxinus griffithii plantations with similar age in Taiwan. The results would support the prediction of growth process and management of Fraxinus griffithii plantation in central Taiwan.
