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篇名 生態系統理論於兒童肥胖防治之應用
卷期 23:3=79
並列篇名 Use of Ecological System Theory in Prevention for Childhood Obesity
作者 連心瑜高碧霞羅美芳
頁次 313-322
關鍵字 兒童肥胖生態系統理論肥胖防治childhood obesityecological system theoryobesity prevention
出刊日期 201209




The dramatic increased prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight threatens children’s health
worldwide. Weight-related hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes are
manifesting in youth population. Similar to many health organizations in other countries, the Bureau of
Health in Taiwan has government policies focus on childhood obesity epidemic survey and preventive
interventions. This article introduced simplified ecological system theory and energy imbalance theory
suggested by the Institution of Medicine. Furthermore, the conclusion integrates Bronfenbrenner’s
ecological system theory model to explain the etiology of childhood obesity. This conclusion will
provide the related research results of childhood obesity, discuss the associated factors of the ecological
environment system, and develop the childhood obesity prevention intervention suggestion.
