
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 幼兒音樂肢體活動課程實施探究——以一所大學幼兒保育系為例
卷期 37
並列篇名 The Investigation on the Implementation of the Curriculum of "Young Children's Movement Activity with Music" of One Early Childhood Education Department of One University
作者 許瑛珍
頁次 311-326
關鍵字 幼兒音樂幼兒肢體活動音樂律動音樂課程Children musicyoung children’s movement activity with musicmovementmusic curriculum
出刊日期 201112




The current early childhood education market puts much emphasis on the curriculum of “young children’s movement activity with music” nowadays and sees it as the hot curriculum and recruitment tool paralleled with
the courses of English and physical education. The research (Lu Jia-Ling, 2004) found out that most kindergartens hired external graduates from music department to teach young children courses related to music
because their incumbent teachers are insufficient in music profession and cannot teach music. Departments of early childhood care and education are the pre-service training institutes which nurture professional early
childhood educators; however, the graduates are not competent to teach the hottest course in the market. These kindergartens have to hire external teachers graduated from music departments to do curriculum design and first-line teaching who were less trained in young children’s psychological and physical development,curriculum design and teaching methodology than the graduates from departments of early childhood care and education; this is a practice which puts the cart before the horse.
In reality, piano skill and movement are set as general courses in departments of early childhood care and education hoping to build up students’ basic music-teaching competence, and therefore the graduates should be competent in teaching the course of young children movement activity with music. However, the problem lies in what other trainings do they need to satisfy the demands in the workplace after the basic competence was built?This study investigated the curriculum design and practice related to this problem based on this, and used qualitative methods including content analysis, and the observations, teaching reflection notes, interviews with students and students’ feedback forms of action research to conduct the analysis and discussion hoping to
advance the students’ knowledge and skill in departments of early childhood care and education and expecting that these future early childhood educators will be professional enough to be competent in teaching courses related to music.

