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篇名 融入概念構圖之學習環教學模式在國中生態系統概念教學之實驗研究
卷期 37
並列篇名 An experimental study of learning cycle teaching model with concept mapping included in ecosystem concepts teaching
作者 林達森
頁次 338-350
關鍵字 生態系統學習環教學模式概念學習概念構圖ecosystemlearning cycle teaching modelconcept learningconcept mapping
出刊日期 201112


本研究之目的在於將概念構圖融入學習環教學模式,建構「概念構圖式學習環教學模式」,運用「原始學習環教學模式」與「概念構圖式學習環教學模式」於國中自然領域生態系相關概念之教學,探究其對於學習成果之效應。為達成此目的,本研究以目前國民中學自然與生活科技領域「生態系統概念」相關教材內容規劃統整為實驗教學內容。本研究將採準實驗前後測設計,擬以兩個實驗組及一個控制組各2 個班級進行。研究對象為高雄市某國民中學一年級班級,隨機抽選6 班,隨機指派為對照組及實驗組。對照組2 個班級以不干預其教學方式為原則,實施傳統教學;另外4 班分別為實驗組A 和B,分別實施「原始學習環教學模式」及「概念構圖式學習環教學模式」。以學生一年級上學期自然領域學期成績為前測成績,於教學後實施成就測驗,作為後測成績,利用共變數分析進行統計分析。研究結果如下:1.兩種教學模式均能顯著提升學生學習成效,其中概念構圖式學習環教學又顯著優於原始學習環教學;2.國一女生在生態係相關概念的學習成果優於男生,不過性別與實驗處理沒有顯著的交互作用存在;3.經由晤談發現教師與學生均能覺察實驗教學設計與原有教學有所差異,並認為可能幫助學習;4.兩個實驗組學生分別認為概念構圖及概念應用練習單是最能幫助學習的步驟,且均有高於5 成學生表示希望繼續採用實驗教學設計進行日後教學。


The purpose of this study was to combine “concept mapping” and “learning cycle teaching model” to construct a model of concept mapping enriched learning cycle teaching and employ both “the model of concept mapping enriched learning cycle teaching” and the prototype “learning cycle teaching model” in teaching ecosystem concepts of junior high schools’ nature curriculum to test whether the new model works.For these purposes, a quasi-experiment following a pretest-posttest design was undertaken in six junior high school science classes in Kaohsiung area. Of which two classes were experimental group A taught by 「prototype learning cycle teaching model」, other two were experimental group B received the「the model of concept mapping enriched learning cycle teaching」, the last two were taken as control group and taught as usual by traditional teaching. As soon as the experimental teaching ends, subjects took the achievement test.The data collected were analyzed by SPSS software. Major results were as follows: 1. teaching with learning cycle method could improve the effect of concept learning significantly; 2.the experimental group A students’achievement was significantly higher than experimental group B; 3.according to the interviews, teacher and students thought the experimental teaching could promote the concept learning; 4.the subjects agreed that teaching with concept mapping has a positive effect, and think that the “learning cycle teaching model” is helpful to their learning.

