
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 台灣新移民女性配偶社會參與之研究
卷期 37
並列篇名 A Study Focusing on New Immigrant Female Spouses’ Social Participation in Taiwan
作者 張智雅曾薔霓
頁次 416-430
關鍵字 充權社會參與非正式網絡新移民女性配偶EmpowermentSocial participationInformal networkNew Immigrant female spouses
出刊日期 201112




There are different types of cultures with increasing of new immigrant female spouses to bring lots of impacts on Taiwan. This study is not to highlight the problems faced by new female immigrants. It is rather
than a point of view of multi-cultural to reveal new immigrant female spouses positive survival value and significance. This study focuses on the Kaohsiung and Pingtung area. The study method is applying in-depth
interview. At the same time, This study discusses new immigrant female spouses’ “social participation” and other related issues in Taiwan and analyzes the possibility and initiative of immigrant brides’ “empowerment”.The study finds that the developmental and implemental model of new immigrant female spouses’ “social participation” in Taiwan needs to depend on the supports of new immigrant brides’ “informal network” in the future, as well as service providers to promote their “social participation” and empowerment. With multiculturalism, the study shows out real existence value and positive meaning of new immigrants. On the one hand, to construct the right of new immigrants to participate in the public domain. Furthermore, it hopes to
offer and promote development and active view of social policy of new immigrants to actually practice multivalue in the policy further in the study. Finally, empowerment is to enable the service users to become the
new immigration service “providers”.

