
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 建構原鄉災區以社區為基礎的生活重建模式
卷期 37
並列篇名 A Community-Based Study on the Model of the Life Rehabilitation in the Aboriginal Disaster Areas
作者 陳怡如
頁次 516-525
關鍵字 生活重建社區重建社區參與部落重建life rehabilitationcommunity rehabilitationcommunity participationtribe rehabilitation
出刊日期 201112




Life rehabilitation in disaster areas is a long process of accommodation, compromise and cooperation. The difficulties of tribal rehabilitations include the less knowledge and abilities of the aboriginal, the barriers of communication among government, professional organizations, the aboriginal and the unacquaintance of the aboriginal culture. The community rehabilitation will undertake with the efforts from the government, the community and professionals. The most important task is to help the inhabitants resume the steady life as soon as possible. As the recovery projects evolved, the community has to face the challenges of future development such as living condition, community sustainability, agriculture economy, rural ecology and so on. Therefore, the next stage of community rehabilitation should focus to generate the local vitality and to empower the living abilities. This study investigates how the concept of community empowerment is applied and promotes the residents’ learning process and transformation by their participation in community programs. Moreover, the study will explore the theoretical level from community participation and aboriginal social work.

