
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 劍湖山世界主題樂園消費者滿意度特性分析
卷期 37
並列篇名 Customer Satisfaction Characteristics Analysis of Janfusun Fancyworld Theme Park
作者 黃宗誠曾雅玲李泳龍白宗易
頁次 577-588
關鍵字 劍湖山世界主題樂園消費者滿意度結構方程模式Janfusun FancyworldTheme parkCustomer satisfactionStructural equation modeling
出刊日期 201112


本研究係以劍湖山世界主題樂園為對象,針對消費者的滿意度特性予以探討。在資料的取得方面,係採便利取樣方式進行實地問卷調查。透過探索性因素分析(exploratory factor analysis; EFA),可先行將消費者之滿意度萃取歸納為:「主要特色與內部設施」、「價格與安全服務品質」、「整體環境與空間規劃」與「行銷與餐飲選擇性」等四項因素,繼而利用群落分析(cluster analysis)與判別分析(discriminantanalysis),可進而掌握影響消費者滿意度的共同性重要因素。最後經由結構方程模式(structural equationmodeling; SEM)之建構,依據驗證性因素分析(confirmatory factor analysis; CFA)之結果發現,「主要特色與內部設施」和「價格與安全服務品質」兩項因素的影響程度最高,值得加以注意,至於「整體環境與空間規劃」因素之影響程度則為次高。因此建議劍湖山世界主題樂園可強化此三項因素所涵蓋之項目,並作為未來市場經營策略之優先發展方向。


This study aims to discuss the consumer behavior of Janfusun Fancyworld Theme Park. A field questionnaire survey with convenience sampling method is used for data acquisition. Exploratory factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and structural equation modeling are used for empirical evidence. Applying exploratory factor analysis the consumer satisfaction r are categorized as “main characteristic and inter facility”, “price and service quality of safety”, “general environment and spatial planning” and “marketing and restaurant selectivity” four factors. Through the remainder quantification method, the results show “the main features of the internal facilities” and “price and quality of security services” the two factors more significant than others it is worth to note that while “general environment and spatial planning” factors were secondary factor and suggested as a prior development direction of marketing strategy in the future.

