
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 臺灣咖啡品牌形象對購買意願影響之研究
卷期 37
並列篇名 The Research of band image on purchase intention in Taiwan Coffee Industry
作者 陳盈太黃尹佐蔡佳容
頁次 589-597
關鍵字 產品價格品牌形象產品價值購買意圖Product prizebrand imageproduct valuepurchase intention
出刊日期 201112


臺灣咖啡產業急速發展,在於城鄉差距變小、網路科技發達、臺灣人日趨休閒生活品味等,都直接或間接擴大了臺灣咖啡市場規模。臺灣咖啡並非像其他國家產量那麼大,目前臺灣有種植咖啡共有16 個地方,而產量最多的地方為嘉義縣及南投縣,其他地區的咖啡行銷手法與通路並不大。目前臺灣咖啡的行銷手法與通路並不多,導致消費者對與國產咖啡的品質與價值方面較為陌生。本研究選擇台南地區消費者進行問卷調查,共計發出320 份問卷,回收203 份問卷,回收率為62.18%。研究分析結果顯示︰品牌形象對消費者購買意願有正向之關係-品牌形象高亦可以提高消費者對產品的知覺品質與知覺價值,進而提高消費者的購買意願。當品牌形象愈高,購買者知覺的產品價值愈正向,可知品牌形象的高低確實對消費者知覺產品的價值具有正面的影響力。最後本研究對研究限制提出說明,並對未來後續研究提出若干建議。


In response to the social and economic growth and the lifestyle of 2-day-weekend, people’s leisure concepts have already changed and started to accept the coffee-drinking atmosphere. With much more attention drawn by the public and the local government’s promotion in recent years, the Taiwan original coffee industry suddenly became well-known. With the rising of living standard, coffee is getting more popular and the consumptions of coffee are also getting more and more tremendous. Consumers’ focuses on coffee have changed from traditional products and service to attractions of brands and consuming experiences. The purpose of this research survey was to test a hypothesized model regarding product prize、brand image、product value、and purchase intention in Tainan in Taiwan coffee industry. Three hundred twenty questionnaires were released, the retrieved valid questionnaires were 199, and the response rate was 62.18%. Descriptive statistics, variance analysis and regression analysis tested explanatory hypotheses. Obviously, this research has some limitations. Further studies are needed and suggested.

