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篇名 全球化下司法博物館教育功能之研究—結構功能分析模式
卷期 37
並列篇名 The Study of a Judicial Museum Education System Under Globalization – A Structure-Functionalism Analysis Model
作者 黃源謀
頁次 652-670
關鍵字 全球化衝浪理論司法博物館普法運動法治教育globalizationsurfing theoryjudicial museumlaw popularization campaignrule of law education
出刊日期 201112


全球化(Globalization)使國界日漸消失,影響從經濟到政治、社會、文化、司法等面向,因此,在這強大而不可阻扼的浪潮下,試提出衝浪理論(Surfing Theory),即追求部分面向不受宰制,反利用其優勢,建立全球在地化之特色,應用權變理論(Contingency Theory),借力使力,最終達成保留地方特色,維護國家尊嚴的主體性地位,司法博物館應是建立典範(paradigm)之最佳起點。從司法文化保存的觀點和族群尊嚴的維護而言,司法博物館之建構與設置意義非凡,在推動公民法治教育的普法運動之餘,對於西方法制之介紹與我國司法文物制度之保存、研究、展示和教育,便顯得十分重要,尤其目前國內因政治問題嚴重衝擊司法制度;加上經濟金融風暴,使社會高度緊張,尚民主而缺法治的弱點,完全曝露無遺,著實令人殷憂,唯有建立法治遊戲規則,才能息紛止爭;唯有以教育藉由薪火相傳,才能永續傳承;唯有以文化形塑生活方式,才能體現蓬生麻中不扶而直。本論文嘗試用文獻分析的方法,借助前人相關研究成果,加上筆者擔任導覽解說員多年並實際接受司法博物館導覽解說培訓之經驗,以結構功能論的模式,提出全球化下理想司法博物館之建構模式,試圖為司法博物館之催生,略盡棉薄之力。期盼將來在台南植根的司法博物館,更進一步能夠串聯台南市的古蹟群,俾發揮共伴效應(Accompany Effect),以收加乘效果,達成法治教育之最佳功能。


Globalization has been making the boundary between countries disappearing. The impacts include changes in economy, politics, society, culture, judiciary and many other aspects. This paper presents the concept of the Surfing Theory, which means taking advantage of globalization instead of being dominated by it. To build a good Judicial Museum is the best starting point to build a paradigm. Therefore, from the point of view of preserving judicial culture and an ultimate goal to protect ethnic dignity, we must set up a judicial museum, to further the rule of law education, meaning the law popularization campaign. The introduction of western judiciary systems about preserving, studying, exhibiting, and educating to our own judiciary system and cultural heritage has obviously become very important. Especially nowadays when
political agenda has a great influence to our judiciary system, as well as the global financial crisis is raising a high level of tension in our society. Yet, to pursue democracy, but lack the rule of laws as its shortcoming has made us deeply worried. By setting up the judicial system and building up the rules of the game resulting the conflicts to be solved, and through education allows us to keep advancing. With experiences passing down to next generation, and culture shaping our way of living allows people to naturally live in a life of justice. This paper adopted the content analysis method and a structure-functionalism model to present an ideal type of building a judicial museum under the trend of globalization. We sincerely hope to obtain the best result one through the rule of law education.

