
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 以定期換證制度促進教師專業發展:美日兩國教師換證制度評析與啟示
卷期 35:4
並列篇名 Using Teacher License Renewal System for Profession Developments: Analyses of United States and Japan Cases
作者 林雍智吳清山
頁次 001-027
關鍵字 教師換證制度教師專業發展教師證照teacher license renewal systemprofession developmentteacher licenseTSSCI
出刊日期 201212




Enhancing teacher's professional abilities and improving the quality of education had been become major issues of teacher education around the world. Teacher's professional status could be improved by adjusting teacher education curricula and continuous training programs during teacher's career development process. Among them, implementing the teacher license renewal/recertification system and making teachers to satisfy all the basic requirements of the renewal system demanded within a specified period, was one of the approaches that could not only promotes teacher's profession development but also helps to ensure the minimum performance of teachers. Therefore, based on the methods of document analysis, after introducing, analyzing, and comparing the similarities and differences of teacher renewal system in the United States of America and Japan, the purpose of this paper aims to explore how to enhance and to promote teachers' professional growth by constructing teacher license renewal system, as well as provides recommendations to Taiwan authorities while considering the necessity to establish teacher license renewal-related policies.
