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篇名 論紀昀評點文心雕龍──以神思、體性、通變篇為例
卷期 6
並列篇名 An analysis of Ji Yun’s commentary critique of Wenxin diaolong (The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons) using examples from “Shensi,” “Tixing,” and “Biantong”
作者 王怡云
頁次 331-364
關鍵字 紀昀紀評文心雕龍評點Ji YunJin Yun’s commentary critique of Wenxin diaolongWenxin diaolongcommentary critiqueTHCI
出刊日期 201112




As the first systematic work of literary criticism,
Wenxin diaolong (The Literary Mind and the Carving of
Dragons) is a very important work in the history of
Chinese literary criticism. In the Ming and Qing
dynasties, it became fashionable for scholars to provide
pingdian (commentary critiques) for Wenxin diaolong.
Among the literati, Ji Yun’s work received the most
attention. Ji Yun was previously the chief editor of Siku
quanshu (The Complete Library in Four Branches) and
produced the Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao (Annotated
Catalog of Books in the Imperial Library). He was
praised for being the most diligent and distinguished
literary critic, providing exceptional insights into the
changes and development of literary works throughout
history. Many of his views on literature are conclusive
and in-depth, particularly in his commentaries. This
article analyzes Ji Yun’s commentary critique of Wenxin
diaolong, focusing on three chapters: “Shensi”,
“Biantong”, and “Tixing” and literary criticism from Ji’s Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao and Ji Wenda gong yiji
(Collected Works of Lord Wenda) to examine the
attitudes and positions Ji Yun held with regard to Wenxin
diaolong. The article will also explore the dialogical
relationship between Ji’s commentary and the text to
understand the value of Ji’s critique of Wenxin diaolong.
