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篇名 《莊子‧應帝王》中「即內聖即外王」的應世思想
卷期 5
並列篇名 Zhuangzi's Conception of "Inward Cultivation is Outward Governance"
作者 吳肇嘉
頁次 205-230
關鍵字 莊子明王應世應帝王內聖外王ZhuangziMingwangFitting the WorldYingdi WangInward-cultivation and Outward-governanceTHCI
出刊日期 201106




The phrase "inward-cultivation and outward-governance" first appeared in the "Zhuangzi". However, scholars who have studied this concept have for the most part only paid attention to the "inward-cultivation" part. In this article, I examine Zhuangzi's conception of "outward governance" in order to shed light on his political thought. I argue that Zhuangzi's ideal politics is found in the phrase "inward cultivation is outward governance." In this mode of governance, politics involves the "self-realization" of the myriad things; there is no forced coercion and things are able to just become themselves. Through this type of political practice, illumined rulers could create an ideal order where all things obtained satisfaction.
