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篇名 The Cross-Strait Perception of the Taiwanese in Cyberspace: The Case of Xiamen
卷期 21
並列篇名 臺灣人的跨海峽兩岸網路知覺:廈門為例
作者 Damm, Jens
頁次 52-85
關鍵字 跨海峽網路社群部落格論述分析Cross-Strait cybercommunityBlogDiscourse analysis
出刊日期 201110




This paper investigates the perceptions of the Taiwanese within Cross-Straitcyberspace with a particular focus on the role of cybercommunities and Blogs.The first section of the paper provides a brief general overview of Cross-Straitcyber communities and describes the potential influence of transnational and transregional cybercommunities on the broad societal, political, and cultural transformations which, in recent decades, have shaped “Greater China” including the PRC proper, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan andSingapore.The second part of the paper deals with examples taken from the wide range of transregional/transnational communications that can be found crossing the Taiwan Strait within this cyberspace: what are the differences between “Taiwanese” (Taiwanren台灣人, “Taiwanese compatriots” (Taibao台胞) and“Taiwanese business people” (Taishang台商) and in which way does the interactive part of the cyberspace contribute to these perceived differences? A media- based discourse analysis is employed to analyze the Blogs found on the Xiamen Net with the aim of highlighting the changes in Cross-Strait perceptions, taking into account shifts in social practices and policy areas.Methodologically, this study employs an approach that is based on a discourse analysis of social and participatory media such as Blogs. The analysis takes into account the underlying changes in social practices and the shifts in various policy fields on each side of the Taiwan Strait.
