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篇名 BBS站的客家族群認同建構:以PTT「Hakka Dream」版為例
卷期 13
並列篇名 Constructing the Hakka Ethnic Identity in BBS: A Case Study of
作者 廖經庭
頁次 257-293
關鍵字 客家想像共同體集體記憶族群認同BBSHakkaImagination communityCollective memoryEthnic identity
出刊日期 200707




The ethnic group researcher was concerned about the issue of the construction in ethnic identity. Oftentimes, the ethnic identity was been constructed by the external conditions, which nothing more than living space, blood relationship, language culture and experience of life, and etc. But in Taiwan the Hakka language fall away, so do the traditional Hakka culture and experience of life. Consequently the external conditions for constructing an ethnic identity become difficult. Although the external conditions are unfavorable, new possibilities unceasingly grows in the internet world, as network of information expanding constantly. The Hakka ethnic identity was constructed from
