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篇名 數位落差再定義與衡量指標之研究
卷期 9
並列篇名 Redefining the Digital Divide and Its Measurement
作者 李孟壕曾淑芬
頁次 89-124
關鍵字 知識鴻溝科技傳佈傳播基礎架構論資源論馬太效應Knowledge gap theoryCommunication infrastructureResources theoryMatthew effect
出刊日期 200507




There are two research questions in this article. First of all, I would try to redefine Digital Divide and develop measurements. For constructing measurement's reliability and validity, this article uses Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Second, I would compare with new means of Digital Divide and Knowledge Gap Theory. Exploring whether the information class is related to the social class. In my result, Digital Divide includes four latent variables. They are Information Access, Information Skill, Network Literary, and Work Communication. Subsequently, I use these latent variables to explore relationship between social class and Digital Divide Index. Result, soco-econmonic statues can direct effect Digital Divide Index. So we know that if we want to understand new social inequality in the information society, we must distinct what is Digital Divide and how I can measure them?
